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Signs of 7 Common Nutritional Deficiencies

Signs of 7 Common Nutritional Deficiencies 560 420 Smartvita

Signs of 7 Common Nutritional Deficiencies

Due to our abundant access to food and fortified products, nutrient deficiencies are treated as an outdated complication. The truth is, no matter how healthy your diet may be, it is easy to overlook certain nutrients. Therefore, you should consider diet supplementation.

To help you feel your best at all times, we offer premium fish oil, joint relief, and the best vitamins for men and women to help your entire family overcome these seven common deficiencies:

  1. Iron

Iron is a vital compound for producing red blood cells. Low iron levels result in a condition known as anemia. Symptoms include fatigue, shortness of breath, a fast heartbeat, pale skin, cold hands, and cravings for inedible compounds such as dirt or metal.

The required daily intake (RDI) of iron is 8mg a day for adult men, and women over 50. The RDI for adult women younger than 50 is boosted to 18 mg; therefore, we’ve created the best women’s multivitamin–fortified with iron, organic nutrients and a full range of botanical extracts.

The symptoms of iron deficiency are mild before they become problematic. Therefore it is crucial to stop anemia in its tracks before it can arise.

  1. Calcium

Calcium is vital for keeping bones strong and maintaining proper muscle and nerve function.

A common sign of calcium deficiency is osteoporosis–a condition where bones become weak and brittle. Furthermore, those who are low in calcium may experience abnormal heart rhythms, numbness and tingling fingers.

There are no immediate symptoms of calcium deficiency. However, to maintain healthy levels, most adults require 1,000 mg of Calcium each day–with adults over 70 requiring 1,200 daily.

  1. Vitamin D

Similar to Calcium, vitamin D is crucial in maintaining bone health. The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D. Fifteen minutes a day of direct exposure is generally enough.

Vitamin D Supplementation is recommended during the winter months. We make the best vitamins for men and women, complete with vitamin D and compounds that support healthy bone structure.

  1. Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12 is crucial in the synthesis of red blood cells and DNA. It also helps regulate neurotransmitter performance. A lack of B12 contributes to anemia. You may also experience a swollen tongue, memory loss, difficulty thinking, coordination issues and extreme fatigue.

As vitamin B12 is found mainly in animal products, vegans and vegetarians are at higher risk of deficiency. Adults require 2.4 mcg of B12 daily.

Those who partake in increased physical activity should monitor their B12 carefully–we make the top multivitamin for athletes, with compounds that assist with vitality, recovery and peak performance.

  1. Magnesium

Magnesium is a vital component of bone health, and it improves your overall energy levels.

Magnesium deficiency is rather uncommon–though it can occur due to antibiotics or medical issues such as type-2 diabetes, which often limit your ability to absorb the nutrient. Symptoms of low magnesium may include loss of appetite, fatigue and weakness. In extreme cases, it may cause irregular heartbeat, coronary spasms and even seizures.

The RDI of magnesium for adults aged 18-30 is 400 mg for men and 310 mg for women. The recommended intake increases by 20 mg after the age of 30.

  1. Potassium

Potassium is essential for maintaining healthy blood pressure. It helps your heart, muscles, and nerves function properly. Furthermore, it transports nutrients to cells and removes waste while mitigating the impact of sodium on blood pressure. Potassium shortages may occur from antibiotics, laxatives, excess sweating, diarrhea or more severe conditions such as kidney disease.

Signs of low potassium include muscle twitches, weakness or cramps, constipation, numbness, heart palpitations and irregular cardiac rhythms.

Adult males require 3,400 mg of potassium a day–whereas women need 2,600 mg.

  1. Folate

Folate is a B vitamin that is of utmost importance for women, especially through childbearing years. Also known as folic acid, it reduces the risk of congenital disabilities, particularly those of the brain and spine.

Folate deficiency is known to decrease the count of large red blood cells and lead to neurological defects in unborn children. Other symptoms include diarrhea, irritability and an overly sensitive tongue.

Women who are planning for pregnancy should receive 400 mcg of folate daily. To ensure this amount is met, we make the best women’s multivitamin, which contains a complete B-vitamin complex. However, if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, please consult with your healthcare practitioner before use.

Regardless of how healthy your diet may be, it’s easy to overlook certain compounds. If you suspect you have a nutrient deficiency, we recommend talking to your doctor about a blood test.

To help you live good, feel complete and enjoy life, we formulate the top products with natural bioavailable time-released vitamins and supplements. Click here to view our full line of products.

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