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3 Best Vitamins for Women That Boost Immune System to Fight Off Colds & Viruses

3 Best Vitamins for Women That Boost Immune System to Fight Off Colds & Viruses 560 420 Smartvita

3 Best Vitamins for Women That Boost Immune System to Fight Off Colds & Viruses

With the battle against the COVID-19 virus officially going on for more than a year now, the global pandemic has led to many infections, deaths, and fear – prompting many to become more wary of the situation and doing whatever they can to prevent getting the virus. This includes finding the best vitamins for women that can help boost the immune system to fight off against the virus and prevent other infections. With many different vitamins having different effects and benefits, it can be difficult to figure out which ones are the best vitamins for women during the cold flu season. Check out the three best vitamins for women that can aid in increasing the immune system for cold and flu prevention!

Best Vitamins for Women Against Colds & Viruses

1.   One of the Best Vitamins for Women is Vitamin C

We’re all familiar with vitamin C and where it comes from, as the orange citrus fruit is always credited with being a strong source of vitamin C. As an antioxidant that produces collagen for the skin, vitamin C is one of the best vitamins for women especially as we age and grow older. The collagen from vitamin C helps our skin become firm rather than thin and sagging, which many women try to avoid. This is also why you may have noticed that many skincare products on the market have vitamin C as an ingredient, another example of how it truly is one of the best vitamins for women.

If you remember taking history classes back in school, you may remember learning about how people would get scurvy back in the day. This was due to a lack of vitamin C, and since times have changed since then, this phenomenon isn’t common anymore as most of us are getting a healthy vitamin C intake. As one of the best vitamins for women, a lack of vitamin C actually leads to a significantly weaker immune system, making it more prone for you to get sick and catch viruses. Getting vitamin C as one of the best vitamins for women is important in preventing viruses and infections as vitamin C is fairly concentrated in immune cells, making it tougher for viruses and infections to attack.

A few sources of vitamin C:

  • Oranges
  • Strawberries
  • Broccoli
  • Pineapple
  • Bell peppers
  • Kale

While vitamin C is beneficial for a stronger immune system, some individuals should also be careful of their intake amount as too much vitamin C can lead to an upset stomach.

2.  Zinc – Best Vitamins for Women

An essential mineral commonly found in many over-the-counter prescriptions for colds and flus, another vitamin for women that’s one of the best is zinc. It has a powerful impact on the function of the immune system, and studies have shown that zinc can reduce the duration of symptoms from viruses and infections, leading to a quicker recovery and increased likelihood of being healthy. Being one of the best vitamins for women, zinc is effective in fighting off sickness and disease while also boosting the activity of natural killer cells. The presence of zinc as one of the best vitamins for women in natural cold medications can help speed up the recovery when an individual gets sick, including reducing the symptoms in as little as 24 hours within taking it. Though it is one of the best vitamins for women, it’s important to be careful when taking it as too much zinc can actually backfire and in turn cause your immune system to weaken.

A few sources of zinc:

  • Red meat
  • Seafood
  • Legumes
  • Seeds
  • Yogurt

3.  Another One of the Best Vitamins for Women is Vitamin D

Similar to vitamin C, vitamin D is another example of one of the best vitamins for women, especially when fighting against the common cold and other viruses. Vitamin D is essential to everyone due to its numerous functional benefits, as it helps maintain bone mineral density, enhances mineral absorption, and more. However unlike other vitamins and minerals, vitamin D isn’t found naturally in foods as much as other vitamins, and is usually attained through natural sunlight. This is also the reason as to why many people across the globe actually have a vitamin D deficiency, without even knowing that they lack one of the best vitamins for women. While it is a bit tougher to get vitamin D naturally, it isn’t impossible and is still very much present in some foods.

A few sources of vitamin D:

  • Natural sunlight
  • Salmon
  • Egg yolks
  • Mushrooms
  • Fortified foods
  • Dietary supplements

Cold & Flu Prevention with Best Vitamins for Women

While there are many different vitamins and minerals on the market, it’s important to do research and find out which are the best vitamins for women. From the side effects to how you take them, some of the best vitamins for women should still be taken with caution and you should always consult a doctor or physician before implementing long-term changes to your diet. What works for others may not work for you, and it’s crucial that you know your body and pay attention to any changes from taking some of the best vitamins for women. As you begin to implement changes to your diet and lifestyle, slowly improve your immune system and work towards living a healthy, active life with some of the best vitamins for women.

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